JumpFit Indy is a company that teaches fun cardio workouts led by Group Fitness Instructors and licensed Kangoo Jumps Instructors Michelle Davis and Vanessa Moore

Kangoo Power is an explosive, highly motivating program specifically designed to challenge the whole body by building muscular strength and cardio-respiratory endurance simultaneously.

JumpFit Indy uses Kangoo Jumps Rebounding shoes to “jump” your workout up a notch.  Burn more calories, build lean muscle, and work toward your fitness goals…while having a blast at the same time!

Each movement is designed to focus on core stability, ensuring a balanced workout that will challenge even the fittest!  Basic moves are easy to follow and can be performed with growing complexity and intensity as you progress.

This class suits a broad range of class attendees regardless of fitness level!  Kangoo Jumps Rebound Shoes maximizes effort while preventing damaging impact to joints!

  • Reduces impact on knees, hips, spine and joints by 80%

  • Burn almost 25% more calories

  • Engages core muscles

  • Works the entire body

  • Makes exercising safe and fun

  • Kangoo Jumps Rebounding Shoes feel like having mini trampolines on your feet with a cushion feeling each time you bounce

Have fun while getting fit.  Yes, it is possible.  Yes, it is effective.  And YES…that is what we do!

For more information please also visit our Facebook page: JumpFit Indy – Kangoo Club